Importing projects from Jamboard

Importing projects from Jamboard

You can quickly import your Jams from Jamboard into Vani and start collaborating in Vani, in a few simple steps.


Export from Jamboard:

  1. From the Listing Page:
    1. Click the vertical ellipses next to the Jam you want to export.
    2. Select Download as PDF.

      Exporting Jams from the listing page

  2. From Inside the Jam:
    1. Open the Jam you wish to export.
    2. Click the More Actions ellipses on the top-right corner near the Share button.
    3. Select Download as PDF to export your Jam.

Import your Jam to Vani:

  1. Click the Import option in the top right corner of the listing page.

  2. A dialogue box will appear where you can either:
    • Drag and drop your exported Jams, or
    • Click Browse Files to select files from your device.

  3. Your Jams will then be imported as new Spaces in Vani.

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