How to hyperlink objects to other objects using pins in Vani?

Pins and Hyperlinks

Pin tool 

Pins Pin tool  can be used to mark specific locations or objects on a Space so you and your teammates have the right context to navigate the Space. Pins are also useful when you want your teammate to go through the Space in a specific order or if you want to guide them to a specific location.


 Add pins 

From Quick Access Toolbar - Select the object you want to add the Pin to and click the Add Pin icon from the QAT. Name the Pin in the dialogue box that opens, then click Ok, to add a Pin to an object.

 Add pins

From the Pin pane - Click the New Pin button in the Pin pane to insert a Pin to the Space. You can drag this Pin to any location in the Zone. You can also drag it to an object to attach it.


Edit pins 

From the Pin pane - Open the Pin pane and hover over the Pin. Click the ellipses icon that appears to rename, delete or copy the link of a Pin.

From the Pin - Click the Edit icon on a Pin to move, rename, or delete it.

 Edit pins from the Pin

After opening the edit options: 

 Edit pins from the Pin 2
  • Hold and drag the Pin icon to move the Pin.

  • Click the existing name to rename the Pin.


Delete pins 

Using Edit - After opening the edit options, click the Delete icon. 

From Pin pane - Click the ellipsis icon on the Pin and select Delete from the options.

From the objects - Open the Quick Access Toolbar by selecting the object, then click the Remove Pin icon.

Delete pins


You can link any website's URLs or Pins from the same Space to an object using hyperlinks. This ensures your teammates can easily navigate the Space by clicking through the hyperlinked objects.

Click the Insert Hyperlink icon on the Quick Access Toolbar after selecting the object. This will open a list of all the pins available and the option to add URLs. Select one and click Done to add the hyperlink to the object. 


Linking Pin

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