How to manage Spaces in Vani?

Managing Spaces


From the Listing Page 

From the Listing Page

  • Create new Space - Click the Create Space button to create a new Space.

  • Search for Spaces - Use the Search icon to search for an existing Space. 

Note: The search option can also be used to search for Zones, Frames, and text content inside the Spaces.

  • All Spaces - This is the default view when you open the Listing Page. This view lists all the Spaces in the team that you are a part o​​​​f.

  • Draft Spaces - This view lists all your Private Spaces that are not shared with anyone else.

  • Shared Spaces - This view lists all your shared Spaces that are not private. You can choose between viewing Spaces that you created and Spaces created by others.

  • Deleted Spaces - This view lists all your deleted Spaces. When you hover over these Spaces, you will find an ellipsis icon. Click it to view the options to Restore or Permanently delete a Space.

Create Space

  • Filter - In the Shared with option, select specific teammates to filter and view all the Spaces they are a part of.

  • Sort - Change the Spaces' sorting order in the Sort by option. You can sort the Spaces by the date they were created or modified or in alphabetical order.

  • Open a Space - Hover over the Space you want to open and click it.

Delete Space

  • More options - Hover on the Space and click the ellipsis icon to view more options to manage a particular Space.

    • Copy the link of a Space - Click Copy Link in the options to copy the link of the Space.

    • Info - Click Info in the options to see the basic details of the Space.

    • Duplicate - Click Duplicate in the options to duplicate any Space.

  Note:   The duplicated Space will not have any of the Spacemates from the original Space. It will only be accessible to you until you share it with someone.  
    • Rename (Only accessible for the Owner and Editors of a Space) - Click Rename in the options to rename the Space.

    • Delete (Only accessible for the Owner of a Space) - Click Delete in the options to delete the Space. After deleting you can find the Space in Deleted Spaces, from where you can restore them or delete them permanently. 

 From the top bar in a Space 

Space Menu
  • Rename - Click the Space name in the top bar to edit the existing name.

  • The Space Menu icon provides you with the options to:

    • Create a new Space

    • Open recent Spaces

    • Duplicate Space

    • Download any part of the Space as an image or as a PDF

    • Share Space (Commenters will see View Teammates)

    • Return to the listing page - Click the Vani logo to return to the listing page.

  • Return to the listing page - Click the Vani logo to return to the listing page. 

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